Allied Academies

Gerald C. Hsu

Gerald C. Hsu, PhD
EclaireMD Foundation, Indiana

Gerald C. Hsu received an honorable PhD in mathematics and majored in engineering at MIT. He attended different universities over 17 years and studied 7 academic disciplines. He has spent 20,000 hours in T2D research. First, he studied 6 metabolic diseases and food nutrition during 2010-2013, then conducted his own diabetes research during 2014-2018. His approach is a “quantitative medicine” based on mathematics, physics, optical and electronics physics, engineering modeling, signal processing, computer science, big data analytics, statistics, machine learning, and AI also known as “math-physical medicine”. His main focus is on preventive medicine using prediction tools. He believes that the better the prediction, the more control you have.

Research Interest

Diabetes, Risk Reduction of diabetic Complications

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